The SFUMS is a second generation dynamic service-event management system .
The SFUMS (shared flexible umbrella management system) is object orientated development and running environment optimalized to handle service orientated events (which require high amount of correlation). Designed to develop and operate management and workflow management system in shared architecture.
Incomparable quality of to share tasks versatilely between processes, processors and hardwares. Therefore provide high processing speed and cost effective solution to build medium or large sized systems.
Its programming language is object orientated Python. The COMM module developed in C language provide the communication between the units. Privilege possibility of solving complex task instead of easy development. The persistent database of is SQL based server. The build-in http client-server implemented in Python language too. Therewith the customer can develop their own client-server using SQL API interface.
More preconstructed customized subsystem available for SFUMS. They are the flowing:
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